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Wheel of Karma


The Universal Justice System.


It is highly probable that you have come across the word karma before, nowadays it is commonly used. Chances are, you’ve heard the word before, or you even use it yourself, and possibly you have some stories to tell of personal experiences related to karma. But what does it really mean Karma? And having good karma and bad karma, what is meant by this exactly? 


Karma, you could say, is like a universal justice or balancing system, whatever is unbalanced or out of order, will be corrected through the law of karma. The law of karma is based on the concept of being one consciousness and one conscious being. This means that all of creation, nature, the earth, animals, our brothers and sisters, and all of creation throughout the universe is all interconnected and linked to each other as one conscious being. As all of creation is created out of one single Source. Even though we experience different parts, in truth all these parts are comprised of particles of intelligent energy, like an ocean of one and the same energy field or consciousness coming forth from the same Source. So even though we seem separate and dispersed, we are in fact one and the same.


Through understanding this concept we can now better understand, that however we affect reality, be it, nature, our earth, animals and of course our fellow brothers and sisters, eventually affects ourselves. It is simply a logical result of what we cause. It is literally like the saying “what goes around comes around.” So how we treat others and all of creation, is how we will be treated ourselves. Another well known saying is “what you reap is what you sow”, meaning whatever seeds we plant in creating and experiencing life, that is eventually what we will sow. In a way it’s like a boomerang effect, what we put into action or creation, will come back around and we will experience it ourselves. You could say that in a way, karma is a system to remind us of the fact that we are indeed one consciousness. And because of this seemingly being an ongoing cycle, we speak of the wheel of karma.


How is karma related to reincarnation?


Another aspect of karma, is that it is a way to balance all the experiences we have throughout our lives, eventually we will experience all forms and ways of existence. Every human being goes through all experiences possible, this with his/her unique capabilities and point of view. With all our personal and collective experiences we return to Source and enrich the whole, so we as Source can learn more about ourselves. This is also the reason why we reincarnate and have many different lives, to be able to have all these different experiences, so we can know and learn more about ourselves.


Between our lives, as we have left the body, we make assessments about what we have learned, our mistakes, our good and bad deeds, we review our book of life. Then we come back into a new body for some more learning and experience. In this case the law of karma makes sure we experience everything, and that all experiences are balanced, making sure we meet the polarities of every possible experience. For instance, in one life we might have been rich, in other lives maybe poor. One life we have been a man, the other a woman. Or we will have the experience of living in different places in the world and the universe, with different cultures and traditions, having different ethnicities. This allows us to have all possible diversity of experience, you could say, we will see both sides of the coin. So another aspect of the law of karma is to guard this balance of experience.


What is good karma?


Good karma, you could say, is the effect of all our good deeds and actions. This can be anything we share and create in our life with the right and good intention. Be it, just a smile we give someone in passing, a loving thought about someone, or giving someone a compliment and honoring them as a gift. Or being of service to another, helping someone in need, supporting someone financially, or sharing knowledge that will be helpful for another, sharing our gifts and talents with others, or just listening to someone and being there as a support. There are infinite ways of creating good karma. One thing is sure, it will always be experienced as uplifting, expansive, and received in a positive way. And through understanding the concept of us all being one conscious being, this in turn will then affect ourselves in an uplifting, expansive and positive way. By loving others we will be loved, by caring for others we will be cared for, by sharing with others we will be shared with, all that we create for the better of another, we will experience ourselves in that way. Therefore good karma is the result and effect of all our good deeds and actions.


What is bad karma?


Bad or negative karma, you could say, is the effect of all harm we cause another. It is everything we share and create in our life with a bad or negative intention. Every form of pain, hurt, distress or any form of disturbance we cause to others and creation itself. Besides this, bad or negative karma is created, not only through physical harm we do to others and all of creation, but also through negative thoughts towards others, or wishing harm or bad on others. Or through lacking to take responsibility for another, or through our neglect of taking responsibility which then affects others in a negative way.


You can think of stealing from someone, or physically harming someone, hurting someone’s feelings, frightening someone through our actions, or even thinking bad about someone, gossiping or wishing harm on another. But also not taking responsibility for something or someone, like not raising our child, or doing something irresponsible that inflicts trauma on another, like driving through a red light and causing an accident. As we have seen before with good karma, so also here, there are infinite ways of creating negative karma. One thing is sure, it will always be experienced as, painful, hurtful, stressful or be in any way disturbing to another. And through understanding the concept of being one consciousness, this in turn will affect ourselves in a painful, hurtful, stressful or disturbing way. The effect of karma is not always instant, sometimes it will come through the same person or situation, on other occasions it might meet us through another person or a different situation seemingly unrelated. And it might even meet us a long time after it was caused and seem to be delayed, but be sure it will come. Therefore bad or negative karma, is the result and effect of all harm we cause to others and creation, and we will always experience the effects of our deeds and actions, simply because we are One.


What is karmic debt and how to undo this? 


You could say, karmic debt, is the sum of all our bad or negative karma we have inflicted on others and all of creation, and all the lessons we have chosen to postpone or not to learn. This could be from this life, but as we have seen,
also another or the sum of other lives.


To undo karmic debt, first of all we will need to stop the wheel of karma. This means we need to stop all harm we cause to others and all of creation, this done by us directly or indirectly through our actions or the lack of taking action.
This can be done simply by understanding the fact that we are one conscious field, and that by harming others and creation we are in fact harming ourselves. Through stopping the wheel of karma we no longer create new negative karma, from this point we can start balancing our karmic debt. Karmic debt can be undone or balanced, through experiencing the harm that we have caused others ourselves, by going through the karmic debt, or by learning the lessons we still need to learn.


When we have the intention to do good, to learn from our mistakes, to change our ways and to be more loving. We might experience that the lessons needed to be learned, or the experiencing of what we have caused, could be more gentle and swift. On the other hand, when we fight against our karmic debt or postpone our lessons, we might experience hell on earth. And besides this, karmic debt is of course undone through generating good karma and doing good deeds and actions. By being of service to others, by donating, by sharing in knowledge, helping others in need, supporting others, and by sharing all our love and gifts that will uplift others and creation.

Yusef El Filali

Published by
Yusef El Filali

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