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We Are One

Many different experiences, One Consciousness.

“We Are One”, you might have come across this phrase before, some of you might have even used this phrase yourself or contemplated on the concept of being one. And yet others might have had an experience of being one with all of creation. But then again when you walk outside, going to your work or to the grocery store you see all these different people with their different lives and different motivations, and you may ask yourself how can we possibly all be one?

From this Big Bang, creation or consciousness was dispersed into many trillions of particles of energy, or so called elements, creating the experience of space and time in a reality of duality. In Buddhism these elements are traditionally called, Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Ether/Spirit. With the combining of the elements slowly solidified matter was realized. And this matter consists of and is formed through the birth of atoms, each embodied with electrons and a compact nucleus of neutrons and protons. These atoms, which are charged with consciousness from its Source, you could say, are conscious and intelligent energy particles. These particles then slowly formed a universe of sun’s, galaxies and planets full of life.
On the planets the intelligent energy particles furthermore materialized through the physical expression of the elements, the soil, the water, the wind, fire and the spark of the creator. And the combination of soil, water and amino acids formed a single cell, this which created all kinds of life forms such as animals and even a human being which is constructed of about 50 trillion cells. And slowly the particles of intelligent energy formed many life forms on many billions of planets throughout an infinite amount of galaxies, throughout the cosmos and universe. And all of these intelligent energy particles originate from this one Source.

Metaphorically speaking, you could say, the Source from with we originate is like the sun, full of light, and we are it’s sun rays, each sun ray being a Soul, an individualized expression of it’s Creator. And the sun being our original home, or Source where we have extended out of. Another way to look at it, is that we are the infinite ocean, and in this reality of life that we experience, we believe ourselves to be just a drop of water of this ocean and we have forgotten our connection to the infinite ocean that we are a part of. Some people will call this sun or ocean God, others will call it Allah, or That, or Yahweh, or The Absolute and yet others will call it Source, and so there are many synonyms for this one focal point where we all originate from.

And since we are all one consciousness, we are all interconnected, we are all relatives, we are all brothers and sisters from each other, we are one universal family. And the experience of being separate is just an illusion, it’s a dream of separateness. And through having this thought and idea of being separate we can experience ourselves, we can learn from ourselves, and we can grow and enrich the whole through our experiences. We have just simply forgotten our original being, our home and our true Self.

And as we are all children of this same home of all that is, or as we are all rays of light coming from the same sun, and drops of water out of the same ocean, in truth we are all ONE.

Yusef El Filali

Published by
Yusef El Filali

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