Law of attraction.
You might have heard about manifesting before, you might have read about it or come cross some YouTube movies about it, and yet others might understand the art of manifestation and intentionally manifest what they want. But what does it really mean, to manifest? And how does it work?
Manifesting, is something we do all the time, we could also call it creating. From the moment we wake up in the morning, we get up, take a shower, have breakfast, clean our teeth and go to work or to school. All of these experiences have been manifested and created by ourselves. And although we might take these experiences for granted, they are still our own creations and manifestations. But because we’ve manifested them so often they become a subconscious programme that just runs by itself.
Other things in life which we wish to manifest we might consider more difficult or more complex. For instance, we might consider manifesting a breakfast for ourselves as easy, and manifesting a life partner or an amazing job as more complex. Although in truth, they are both manifested by us through using the same mechanism. The only difference is, that with some experiences which we manifest, we are completely free of clutter and clouds in the mind and we manifest what we want instantly without resistance. Whereas in other areas of our life we might have some subconscious programmes or beliefs that are preventing us from manifesting what we want straight away. In other words when our conscious and our subconscious mind agree on the matter and when they are aligned with each other, we will manifest instantly what we want. Whereas when our conscious and subconscious mind don’t agree or believe different things it might seem more difficult.
For example, you might want to go on holiday and you get all excited about it, then in the back of your mind a voice says “but I don’t have enough money, and what if I can’t take time of work!?” As we can see there is a conflict, between what we wish to create and what our mind is telling us. Because of this conflict, you could say, our creative force is pushing one way but through the interference of the lower mind, it is also being pulled another way, this is what keeps us stagnated and nothing happens or very slowly. It will be helpful to harmonize this conflict before we can manifest what we want more smoothly.
How do we manifest?
Manifesting always starts with an intention, this is a clear desire, a wish or an idea of anything we want to manifest or create. Through thinking of what we wish to manifest, some emotions might arise, like excitement, joy or happiness, and it is this combination of a conscious thought and an emotion that makes it real for us. As long as we can feel it, we will soon be able to see it in our experienced reality. Study shows, that when our right side of the brain and our left side of the brain are unified we will instantly manifest what we want, without inner conflict. The left side of our brain, you could say, is the centre for logic, speech, focus, language, numbers, words, it’s analytical, it thinks in parts, in order and control. On the other side we have the right side of the brain, you could say, this is the centre for emotions, pictures and visualizations, it synthesizes, it thinks in wholeness, spontaneity and freedom. So in other words, when we are able to focus on a thought, and bring it into words and verbalize it with our left side of the brain, and then combine this with, an emotion or feeling and a visual picture of the right side of the brain, we then unify our two brain hemispheres. This is what we call a whole brain state, and it is through this whole brain state, that we unify the conscious and the subconscious mind, this then allows us to manifest what we want instantly.
During the process of manifesting what we want, it is helpful to imagine and feel whatever it is that we desire, as if it is already here right now. This way our mind will create new circuits and pathways in our brain allowing us to create more of what we desire. The subconscious mind does not think in space and time or what is real or not, so whatever we focus on and imagine in this way, this with a felt sense, our subconscious mind will think it is here right now in our experience. Thereby this experience can be known and imprinted in our conscious mind and we can create more of it. Through this unification of the conscious and subconscious mind, our whole body, our feelings and our thoughts will align with the vibrational pattern of what we wish to manifest, we will become a vibrational match to it. Through being a vibrational match to what we wish to manifest, we will then allow ourselves to draw into our experience exactly that which we desire and even create more of it.
Another important aspect of manifesting, is that as soon as we have made a clear intention of what we want, we then need to let go of the idea completely. This could seem contradictory, as we might want to think about what we want all day long. The problem is, our mind will constantly be confronted with the fact that what we wish or desire is ‘not yet’ manifested into our experience. This in turn will constantly prove to ourselves that it is not yet here, and this might vibrationally keep what we want away from us or delay the process. So it will be helpful to make a clear intention, unite the conscious and subconscious mind through a thought combined with a feeling. And through believing that what we want to manifest is already here, we can actually taste it, feel it, hear it, see it, like we already experience it. Then we need to fully trust that what we wish to manifest will do so, we need to trust in the process, trust in the universe and our creative power, and then let go.
Why don’t we manifest what we want, and how to change this?
Science shows that 95% of our conscious mind, our conscious thoughts and actions are ruled by our subconscious mind and therefore our subconscious beliefs. Mostly these subconscious beliefs and programmes are unconscious to us like blind spots. These are predominantly born from our childhood and conditioning in life. Some work really well for us, yet others keep us in certain repetitive cycles where we can’t seem to get out of. For instance, we might want do something with our conscious mind and get really excited about it, but then while proceeding with what we want to do, some subconscious or negative belief comes up, preventing us from taking action in the way we want to or sabotaging the process all together. Now we can see how important these subconscious beliefs are and how they dictate our life. It is therefore recommended to become aware of our subconscious beliefs and programmes, to rewrite them and start living the life that we truly wish to live.
Sometimes in life we will first require some learning, or maybe some karma needs to be balanced or aligned before we can manifest what we desire. These aspects will need to be learned or balanced before we can fully experience and enjoy our desire. Be sure though, that whatever we have intended, has been manifested, but in the linear way of experiencing space and time in this reality it might seem to be delayed or postponed. But all what seems to happen in the meantime is exactly needed for us and our process so we can fully embrace and have the full experience of what we wish to manifest.
For instance, if you want a car, but you don’t have a driver’s licence, it would be helpful for you to first apply for driving lessons. In this way it might seem like your desire has been postponed or delayed, but without a driver’s licence you will never be able to drive the car and enjoy it fully. Besides this, going through a struggle sometimes in life is not so bad, it stretches our limitations. And the moment we then experience the manifestation of what we wished for, it will be even greater and sweeter as we have been through hell to reach it. Also the experience of seeing something grow and flourish before our eyes, seeing something come into creation due to our desire, due to our wanting and our efforts, will allow us to enjoy and appreciate it even more.
Another hurdle for manifesting what we want, are our beliefs of what we think is possible. Most people take what they observe and experience in life to be what is possible, but this is simply our conditioning telling us what is possible and what is not. It will be helpful to break free from these limitations and sets of beliefs which are creating boundaries for us. Although this might seem difficult and contradictory at times, it will also be helpful if we can keep a positive mind set. It is so easy to fall into the trap of getting frustrated and disappointed, and in a state of fear and pessimism which we all do sometimes. But this then in turn creates more proves that what we wish to manifest is not possible. In truth all what we want is possible and in fact all is already infinitely available, in infinite ways, for all of us. In a way it’s like tuning our radio to a different frequency, this which uplifts our spirit so we can trust that all what we desire is provided for. When we recognize that we are worth it, we will allow ourselves to truly receive it. And as stated before, it will be helpful to really know what we want, how it feels, how it smells, even before we can see it in our experience, we need to become it.
What is the law of attraction?
Whatever we focus our attention on will grow, we will attract more of it into our experience of life, this is what we call the law of attraction. Whatever we focus our attention on, the universe will think we want it, and it will then grow and multiply. When we become a vibrational match to that what we desire, we will automatically attract it into our field of awareness. We will attract more of it into our reality, this works both positive as well as negative. The problem is the universe does not know the difference between what we consider positive or negative, it will simply bring us more of what we focus on. But this can also be an aspect which we maybe don’t want to create, but because we are thinking of it, we will then create it. This focusing or thinking that we do, can be with our conscious mind as well as our subconscious mind. We can be focusing from a certain subconscious belief or programme and not be aware of this, and therefore repeat certain patterns of the past that we don’t want. It will be helpful to align ourselves with joy, with our excitement and passion for life and with this childlike playfulness within. And allow ourselves to imagine without boundaries, in a magical way like a child with an unlimited view. We are the power of the universe, we can create worlds with our potential. We can do, be and have anything we wish for, as long as we believe that we can and that we deserve it. If we allow ourselves and our vibration to match what we want and desire, it will instantly manifest.
If you would like professional assistance, whereby we can go deeper into your subconscious beliefs, so we can clear certain blockages and limitations, and make room for anything you wish to manifest. Then you can find more information or book a session here.
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