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Healing and Purification


Facing imbalance to experience Peace. 

You might have heard of the words healing and purification before, or you might have even experienced some form of healing or purification yourself, yet others might be active as a facilitator of healing and work in this field, but what is healing and purification exactly? 

Healing, you could say, is to balance anything that is keeping us from being our full potential and our true Self. These could be unresolved issues of our past, our so called baggage, which are keeping us from being all of ourselves and our full human potential in the here and now. You could think of, old trauma’s, childhood wounds, or any kind of limiting beliefs and conditioning we brought along with us from our childhood and our life so far. Which then prevents us from reaching and expressing our infinite potential and being fully present. These trauma’s, childhood wounds, conditioning and any form of distortion, which we all have to some degree, are affecting us in the here and now, by limiting us, and by keeping us in the past instead of being present.

Our perception, state of being and thereby our daily lives are colored and influenced by our conditioning, in positive, but also in negative ways. Healing then, is to balance, heal, clear, discharge or in any way or form come to terms with anything limiting or holding us back from our full capacity, so that our present moment is no longer clouded by these distortions and shadows of the past. So we can be completely free, present, be our full potential, and our true Self. And through healing ourselves, we evidently help heal the collective, as we are all one consciousness.

Why do we need healing?

Healing, we believe, is beneficial for everyone, so that we can be our full human potential, be our true Self and be fully present in the moment. When we carry along certain distortions or baggage from the past, small things that happen or things said can easily trigger and hurt us and bring us back to the past, we call this regression. The moment we are in regression, we are literally reliving something of our past, which then influences our behavior, our thoughts, feelings and actions in the present moment. In that sense we are not free, and we are mostly not aware of this, as all of these distortions are registered in our subconscious mind and therefore unconscious to us. Which in turn is affecting our conscious mind, thoughts, feelings, actions and our present reality.

Which aspects of us need healing?

When we speak of healing we will focus on three different areas, the mind, the body and soul. We believe that by accentuating whatever needs healing, by going to it and meeting it, all can be healed and balanced. However there is no perfect or one good way to heal. There are numerous different approaches, you will have to find out what works for you.

When healing the mind, you can think of it as healing the subconscious mind, by emptying the subconscious or the reactive part of the mind. Science shows us, that at least 90% of all diseases are psychosomatic, which means they originate from the mind and have a response in the body. Therefore our focus here would be to clear the subconscious mind of all limiting and destructive content, and any unresolved emotional charge. This can be done through certain processing whereby we investigate and become aware of our concepts, ideas, beliefs, thoughts, emotions and conditioning. And through becoming aware of these, we can then heal, clear, balance or discharge these and bring them to a so called zero point. This way we can experience a clear mind and feel at ease, where our choices are no longer affected by the distortions of the past, but where we can choose freely. When we have a clear mind we are less triggered, reactive or in regression, we are more present, more calm, at ease and in the present moment. Having a clear mind will help us to make clear decisions and take action with clarity. We experience a sense of freedom and relief, as the present moment will no longer be reactive and tainted or colored by the past.

If you would like professional assistance, whereby we can go deeper into the subconscious beliefs and any emotional charge, so we can clear certain blockages and limitations, and make room for anything you wish to manifest. Then you can find more information or book a session here.

When healing the body, we can approach it in a way of healing physical ailments that we might experience, like a cold, a sprained ankle or a broken arm, or in severe cases a disease of some sort. This could possibly heal after a visit to the doctor or physiotherapist or some treatment. But in addition to this there are also other ways of healing, for example by applying energy healing, sound healing, doing breathwork, fasting, or taking care of the body through specific nutritions, exercise or through meditation and prayer. Or maybe a combination of these things will help to speed up the process of healing or even just to keep the body in a favorable condition.

Another way to approach healing the body, is to see the body as a book of life. Everything is stored in our body, all distortions, trauma’s, wounds, and all parts of ourselves we have owned and disowned. Everything is subconsciously stored in the body like a book about our life. And through doing certain bodywork, dynamic meditations and certain exercises we can reach these subconscious wounded parts and reintegrate what has been split off and disowned. Through these practices we can possibly free ourselves from the burden and baggage we have carried around for so long. We can give sound to our deepest emotions and release charge in this way that otherwise would stay repressed within us which in turn hurts our body. Besides this, by emptying our own cup, it might help to prevent us from acting out our wounded parts on others and hurting them. And all of these distortions, burden and baggage which are preventing us from being here in the present moment, can then finally be released in a safe and appropriate way, so we can reconnect to our true Self. Through healing the body, it is possible to experience less strain and tension in the body, less bodily ailments, and even a higher energy and vitality level in the body. And through this the Soul can settle in more easily, and we can feel more embodied.

If you would like professional assistance, whereby we can discuss some healing methods to see what fits in your process. Then you can find more information or book a session here.

When healing the Soul, you can think of the Soul as being a carrier of all information that has formed you up until now. All the lives that you have had up until now, all lessons learned and not learned, all wounds healed and not healed. All experiences over all your life times are stored in the Soul’s fabric you could say. With healing the Soul, so to speak, we can look into all timelines and see where you still need adjustments, healing, balancing or even gathering parts of yourself to experience the wholeness of being in the here and now. And in that way reuniting with the whole through reintegration and aligning of all your parts.

Also it will be important to reestablish the connection with the Soul as your Being and embody it fully, to really know who you are. And through this remembering of your true Self, to experience the essence of what you are. When we experience the Soul and its sense of completion within, we will then experience wholeness and a sense of peace. We will be grounded and embodied, we will have clarity, a conscience, and be a wholehearted genuine human being.

Here you will find some meditations, exercises and tools to deepen your process.

And if you would like professional assistance, whereby we can discuss some healing methods to see what fits you in your process. Then you can find more information or book a session here.


When we speak of purification, you could say that all forms of healing are also ways of purifying oneself. It is a way to clean, purify and clear ourselves of all distortions or toxins we don’t need and that are preventing us from being our full expression, and keeping us from aligning with Self. Purification then is a way to balance, clean and heal distortions that prevent us from being free, from being present and from being our full human potential, so we can fully experience the life that we wish for.

Why do we need purification?

Purification will help us to obtain a steady balance in our energy levels, it will even allow us to expand our energy and vitality levels. We will experience a more balanced and peaceful state of being, with less ups and downs. We will experience a clear mind, body and Soul. And we will create a clean home for the Self to settle in.

Which aspects of us need purification?

When we speak of purification we will focus on three different areas, the mind, the body and soul. We believe that by accentuating what needs purification, by going to it and meeting it, all can be purified and balanced. However as we know by now, there is no perfect or one good way to purify oneself. There are numerous different approaches, you will have to find out what works for you.

When purifying the mind, you can think of it, as a way to clear the mind of limitations and conditioning, and thereby to empty the subconscious and reactive mind. We approach purifying the mind in a similar way as with healing the mind as explained above, through clearing the subconscious mind. Besides the clearing and cleaning of the mind, it is also beneficial to keep a positive mind set, to approach life in a positive way. And to keep clean and good thoughts, feelings, expressions and deeds, aligned with the conscience, with the heart, and with truth. Here also character building could be added, where one consciously practices and adapts good and higher virtues and principles. In this way we will keep the mind clean and clear of negative or destructive content. We will then have a positive, expanded and realistic view of reality aligned with our true Self, therefore we won’t easily be triggered by others or any events we encounter in life. This in turn is beneficial for how we relate to others and how we experience reality.

If you would like professional assistance, whereby we can go deeper into your subconscious beliefs, so we can clear certain blockages and limitations, and make room for anything you wish to manifest. Then you can find more information or book a session here.

When purifying the body, you can think of it in a way as cleansing the physical body. This can be done in numerous ways. For instance by being aware of what we eat, is the food fresh? What is its origin, are there chemicals or additives in the food? This way we really become conscious of what we eat and the possible toxins in the food. Some people might want to do fasting for a certain amount of time, or eat less meat or sugar, so that the body can detoxify and cleans itself. And some others would even want to eat less food in general, as we are so used to eating, it can also tire the body as we don’t always need so much food. This of course is always a personal choice and based on free will. The most important aspect of this, is that we become more aware of the food and toxins we put into our body, and how we relate to the food we take in, and through this to really take care of ourselves.

During any form of purification, and throughout life in general, it would be advisable to refrain from substances like alcohol, drugs and smoking, as they deeply toxify the physical and etheric body and are extremely damaging. Another way to purify the body is through meditation, or deep breath work, to activate and fuel all the cells in the body with oxygen and life itself. And any kind of bodily exercises are highly recommended at least 3 times a week for the duration of one hour. This to keep our system fit, energized and balanced. As with healing the body, when we speak of purifying the body, it is beneficial to release the body of excess emotional and energetic charge every once in a while, this can be done through, bodywork, dynamic meditations or even simply by working out.

Yet another way of purifying the body could be done through energetic healing. As we have a physical body, we also have an energetic or etheric body. It is highly beneficial to do a cleansing of this etheric body from time to time. This form of purification can also help with physical ailments or even prevent them from manifesting in the body. Besides the cleansing of the etheric body, it can help remove certain energetic distortions, on a physical, emotional and mental plane.

If you would like professional assistance, whereby we can discuss some healing methods to see what fits you in your process. Then you can find more information or book a session here.

When purifying the Soul, you could say, it is very similar to how we approached the topic of healing one’s Soul. It’s about purifying, cleaning, clearing and transforming all distortions and limitations carried in our Soul throughout all time lines, and that are preventing us from being whole, complete, free and aligned with our true Self.

Yusef El Filali

Published by
Yusef El Filali

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