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Liberation from our subconscious limitations. 

You might have heard about beliefs before, you might have even done some inquiry into your own beliefs, and yet others might have done some work on letting go of certain limiting beliefs that were no longer helpful. But what are beliefs exactly ? 


Beliefs, by definition, are conclusions derived from information and/or experience, these beliefs can be both conscious and subconscious. Here we will primarily focus on negative/limiting beliefs that are subconscious. These beliefs are a set of thoughts, ideas, concepts and conditioning that are stored in our subconscious mind. Through these sets of beliefs that are imprinted in our system, we then perceive and experience the reality in and around us. Science shows us that 95% of our conscious thinking, behaviour and actions, are ruled and dictated by our subconscious mind and beliefs. And through the glasses we wear or our filters, which are filled with these beliefs, we then view ourselves, the world and the reality we experience. You could say that, there are as many different perceptions and points of view as there are people, as everyone is experiencing reality through their own filters or pairs of glasses.


Beliefs are manifestations and creations of ourselves, based on information, our experiences and interactions with others in this reality. These beliefs can come in the form of conditioning through our parents or caretakers who did their best to teach us what is right and wrong. Or through social conditioning like tv, internet, or at school as we grow up or at the workplace later on in life as we manifest certain beliefs to navigate and fit in socially. Also through the experiences we have in life both good and bad, we will manifest and create certain imprints of beliefs and feelings, these which will color the rest of our life.

You could say that, these sets of beliefs are like a tree. When a certain so called core belief is imprinted and when the seed of this core belief has been sown, from this seed then will grow a tree, and the branches and leafs of this tree are the so called ‘proves’ that reinforce the initial core belief. And so the belief literally grows like a tree, becoming more and more real, manifesting itself more firmly into the subconscious mind and then reflecting into our reality.


How do we manifest beliefs?

In the process of manifesting beliefs, there is first an idea or a thought, if this thought or idea is expansive, which is aligned with truth and working well for us, it will make us feel good. And when this cycle of a thought followed by a feeling happens more often this combination of thought and feeling will be imprinted in our subconscious mind as a truth, or like a programme. This works the same for negative beliefs, when an idea or thought arises, followed by a negative feeling our system will store this as an imprint in our subconscious mind. In case of the negative beliefs, this mechanism that creates this imprint is also there to protect us from the impact of the negative belief or the situation at hand, and works as a warning system. So that next time when a similar belief or a similar situation comes up our system will be alarmed and will warn us. So you could say this is a loving mechanism, trying to protect us from more pain or harm. But at the same time this belief is then stored in our subconscious mind as a truth, and this truth or belief will then be carried with us in life as a conditioning. This conditioning then influencing our experience and perception of reality.


How do beliefs affect us?


Some beliefs are working well for us, they feel good and expansive, they are so to say in alignment with our highest truth. And some don’t feel good, they make us feel down, sad, angry and contracted. In this way our beliefs affect our state of being, they affect how we perceive ourselves, the world, and our functioning in this reality. You might have the belief that you are really good at something, or that you are seen and heard, or that you are loved or protected, these beliefs will give you a good and expansive feeling and a favourable experience of reality. Whereas negative beliefs like I’m not good enough, I’m not seen or heard, I’m not loved or protected, these beliefs will make you feel sad, rejected, unworthy, hurt, afraid or contracted.


When negative beliefs rule our inner and therefore outer world, we might experience having difficulty manifesting and creating what we want in life, or find ourselves running in circles by being trapped in certain patterns and loops which we can’t seem to get out of. These negative and limiting beliefs then keep us from being our full potential and our true Self, we might experience life as being very restricted and limiting. Besides this, these beliefs might also cause some moodiness, or ups and downs. Or maybe the feeling of being easily triggered and hurt by things said or happening around you, and it could even lead to a severe mental illness like depression. And this of course affecting our experience of ourselves, others and the world in a negative way.


When it comes to the conditioning in our subconscious mind that is imprinted through the interactions with our parents or caretakers, who tried their best to teach us right from wrong, these can have great influence on us, and how we view ourselves and the reality we experience. Our parents or caretakers are the first adults and mirrors we encounter besides possibly our siblings, so they are the first ones we look up to for mirroring and to show us the way in life. If the sets of beliefs are expansive, loving and accepting, coming from our parents and caretakers who supported, protected and loved us, these beliefs and imprints will be positive and work well for us in life. These will become part of our conscience. When these sets of beliefs given through our parents and caretakers are mainly negative, these beliefs can turn into our so called inner critic, which is this little voice in the back of our mind telling us that we are unworthy, not loved, not seen or heard, or we’re not good enough.


How to clear beliefs?


It is always helpful to write down and document reoccurring beliefs, and you could even investigate and become aware of all beliefs that you encounter on a daily basis. This will give you great insight into your inner world and how you create and experience your reality. And at some point you can also use process work to clear or balance some of the beliefs that have a negative effect in your life. Through clearing and balancing these beliefs, you will then be able to manifest any positive belief that you desire without any resistance, this in turn allowing you to be your full potential and free of certain limitations.

When negative beliefs are unconsciously taking over our life, we might have the experience of going round in circles, or the feeling of being trapped in certain patterns where we can’t seem to get out of. It can feel like things are happening without our free choice in the matter. In a way this is true, the subconscious beliefs are ruling the conscious mind and our present reality. But because they are forgotten and well hidden in the subconscious mind we are not aware of them.


By becoming aware of, and balancing these negative beliefs, our conscious mind will be free of resistance. We will then be able to choose what we want, and therefore we will experience more freedom in our actions and daily life. We will be able to consciously choose what we wish to believe and what we wish to create and experience, aligned with our highest truth. This will give us true freedom.


If you would like professional assistance, whereby we can go deeper into your subconscious beliefs, so we can clear certain blockages and limitations, and make room for what you really wish to manifest. Then you can find more information and book a session here.

Yusef El Filali

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Yusef El Filali

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